Welcome to our contact page!

You can navigate to the rest of our website by clicking the menu in the upper right corner of this page. To contact us directly, you can email us at Mail@ShamanicVoyages.org or by phone at +01-508-221-5712. Our postal address can be found at the bottom of this page. Email is best, particularly when we are traveling. If you are trying to reach us to get in touch with one of our travelers, use the phone number above which is reachable in most of the areas we travel to. Messages are checked daily.

You are also welcome to join us on Facebook at ‘Shamanic Voyages’. Participants of our trips are also invited to join our members only pages for the destinations they visit.

To make donations or payments on line, go to venmo@shamanic-voyages or contact the email above to make a credit card payment.

Thank you.